JBC digital precision soldering stations

JBC  Digital precision soldering stations - Lead-free


JBC CD-2SD Digital precision soldering station - Lead-free 

Weight: 2.6 kg
Dimensions: 150 x 175 x 145 mm 
Voltage 230V (AC)
Input Fuse 1A
Output Peak Power 40W / 23.5V
Temperature selection 90-450 ºC
Tip to ground resistance <2 ohms
Tip to ground voltage <2mV RMS
Ambient operating temp. 10-40 ºC
ESD Safe 
USB interface station-PC
Tools: T210-A
Cartridges: C210 series


JBC CD-2BC Digital soldering station for general purposes - Lead-free

Weight: 2.6 kg
Dimensions: 150 x 175 x 145 mm 
Voltage 230V (AC)
Input Fuse 1A
Output Peak Power 130W / 23.5V
Temperature selection 90-450 ºC
Tip to ground resistance <2 ohms
Tip to ground voltage <2mV RMS
Ambient operating temp. 10-40 ºC
ESD Safe 
USB interface station-PC 
Tools: T245-A
Cartridges: C245 series


JBC CP-2D Digital micro tweezers station - Lead-free

Weight: 2.7 kg
Dimensions: 150 x 175 x 145 mm 
Voltage 230V (AC)
Input Fuse 1A
Output Peak Power 80W / 23.5V
Temperature selection 90-450 ºC
Tip to ground resistance <2 ohms
Tip to ground voltage <2mV RMS
Ambient operating temp. 10-40 ºC
ESD Safe 
USB interface station-PC
Tools: PA120-A
Cartridges: C120 series


JBC DIT-2D Digital soldering station - Lead-free

Weight: 4.4 kg (DI-2B: 2kg)
DI-2B control unit dimensions: 90 x 105 x 180 mm
Voltage 230V (AC)
Input Fuse 1A
Output Peak Power 130W / 23.5V
Temperature selection 90-450 ºC
Tip to ground resistance <2 ohms
Tip to ground voltage <2mV RMS
Ambient operating temp. 10-40 ºC
ESD Safe 
USB interface station-PC
Tools: T245-A
Cartridges: C245 series
Stands: AD-SD, CL9885


JBC Digital combined soldering stations - Lead-free


JBC DDST-2A Digital combined rework station with Electric Pump - Lead-free

Weight: 9.1 kg 
Dimensions (control unit):
- 145 x 120 x 225 mm (DD-2B)
- 145 x 55 x 225 mm (MS-A)
Voltage 230V (AC)
Input Fuse 2A
Output Peak Power 150W / 23.5V
Temperature selection 90-450 ºC
Tip to ground resistance <2 ohms
Tip to ground voltage <2mV RMS
Ambient operating temp. 10-40 ºC
ESD Safe 
USB interface station-PC 
Vacuum 75% / 570mmHg / 22.4inHg
Flow rate 9 SLPM
Stands: AD-SD, DR-SD, CL9885
Tools: T245-A, DR560-A kiforrasztó
Cartridges: C245 series, C560 series


JBC NAST-2A Digital combined soldering station (Nano rework station) - Lead-free

Weight: 1.6 kg
Dimensions: 170 x 290 x 160 mm
Voltage 230V (AC)
Input Fuse 0.2A
Output Peak Power 12W / 7.5V
Temperature selection 90-400 ºC
Ambient operating temp. 10-40 ºC
ESD Safe 
Tools: NP105-A Nano Tweezers, NT105-A Nano Soldering Iron
Cartridges: C105 series



JBC AL-2A Digital combined soldering station, Auto-Feed station - Lead-free

Weight: 5.8 kg
Dimensions: 195 x 200 x 240 mm
Input Fuse 1A (230V)
Output Peak Power 130W / 23.5V
Temperature selection 90-450 ºC
Tip to ground resistance <2 ohms
Tip to ground voltage <2mV RMS
Ambient operating temp. 10-40 ºC
ESD Safe 
Diameter of solder wire 0.4-1.5 mm
Capacity of solder reels up to 2Kg
Wire length 5-60 mm
Speed 17 mm/s (max)
Stands: AL-SD, CL9885
Tools: AL250-B


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